Fill every thought with determination, every step with courage and every word with love.
Often my friends asking me how to download movies and games using torrent. Just now I had a lengthy conversation with my friend about the same. I just want to share the chat with my readers of my blog so that they can also know about Utorrent and Torrents. Here's the conversation.
[11:56] Friend: ok
[12:30] Me: still not sleeping?
[12:30] Me: wat r u doing da
[12:30] Friend: watching movie on hulu.com
[12:30] Me: oh
[12:30] Me: i downloaded *****
[12:30] Friend: *****
[12:30] Me: still here on theator its full show on week ends
[12:31] Me: use torrents da
[12:31] Me: u can watch all english hinidi movies in dvd quality
[12:31] Friend: we saw the movie here in a theater 2 weeks before
[12:31] Me: i watched almost all 2008 release movies
[12:32] Friend: i am not comfortable using torrents daaaaaaaaaaa
[12:32] Me: y?
[12:32] Me: dont know how to work with that?
[12:32] Friend: i dont know how to use it
[12:32] Me: spent some time with that
[12:32] Me: its simple
[12:32] Friend: and look for movies
[12:32] Me: www.torrentz.com
[12:32] Me: u can search everything here
[12:33] Friend: lemme try
[12:33] Me: once u find there's a file with .torrent extension
[12:33] Friend: ok
[12:33] Friend: then
[12:33] Friend: ....
[12:33] Me: u must install utorrent
[12:33] Me: this utorrent application open the .torrent file
[12:34] Me: and it will download the file into your computer
[12:34] Me: .torrent file knows where the movie exist in the internet
[12:34] Friend: where to install utorrent from ?
[12:34] Me: http://www.utorrent.com/download.php
[12:35] Me: once u used to know torrent
[12:35] Me: then u never stop using it
[12:35] Friend: ok
[12:35] Friend: there are 2 downloadables
[12:35] Friend: which one to install
[12:36] Friend: ?
[12:36] Me: stable one
[12:37] Me: here u know the full details of torrents
[12:37] Me: http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/
[12:37] Me: read it in u r free time
[12:37] Me: take print out and read it
[12:39] Me: this one more technical
[12:45] Friend: ok....download complete
[12:45] Me: install the application
[12:45] Friend: done......
[12:45] Me: go to torrentz.com
[12:46] Me: click 2008 dvdrip
[12:47] Friend: done
[12:47] Me: u can see lits of movies
[12:47] Me: can u see the ruins on the first?
[12:48] Me: The Ruins[2008][Unrated Edition]dvdrip-aXXo » aXXo » movies horror video
3 days ago 701 Mb 20,819 49,046
[12:48] Friend: yes
[12:48] Friend: i can see
[12:48] Me: now i explain this
[12:48] Me: THe ruins is the name of the movie
[12:48] Me: movies is the type
[12:48] Me: Horror is cateogry
[12:48] Me: it added to torrent 3 days ago
[12:48] Me: and size is 701 MB
[12:48] Me: now comes the important part
[12:49] Me: 20,819 means seeders
[12:49] Me: 49,046 means leechers
[12:49] Me: u must understand this seeders and leechers then u know abt torretns
[12:50] Friend: so who are they
[12:50] Me: seeders are those people who is having the movie in their hard disk
[12:50] Me: leechers are those people who are all downloading them
[12:50] Friend: ok
[12:50] Me: torrent normally split the file and download it from different location
[12:51] Me: if the number of seeders are more it split the file and download very fast
[12:51] Friend: ok
[12:51] Friend: in this case is Ruins fast ?
[12:51] Me: once u started download the movie, u can also become seeders.
[12:52] Me: yes
[12:52] Me: bcz no of seeders are high
[12:52] Me: just clickt that one
[12:52] Me: u can see the list of places where the torrent file is available
[12:52] Friend: so...a leecher automatically becomes a seeder
[12:52] Me: yes
[12:52] Me: because u also have some files portion once u started downloading
[12:53] Me: so other people take that file portion from ur computer
[12:53] Friend: ok
[12:53] Me: but if u want u can be a leecher alone
[12:53] Me: normally its like, i want to take the file but i dont want to share it to any one.
[12:54] Me: i will explain that in detail later
[12:54] Me: now click that link
[12:54] Me: the ruins
[12:54] Friend: i clicked
[12:54] Me: i already watched that movie
[12:54] Me: reall horror movie
[12:54] Friend: and i can see many links now
[12:54] Me: clear dvd quality
[12:54] Me: ya choose
[12:54] Me: wait
[12:54] Friend: which one to choose ?
[12:54] Me: b4 choosing any one
[12:54] Me: go down and see the comments
[12:55] Me: people tak abt that movie
[12:55] Me: bcz some times bad people upload virus as movies
[12:55] Me: or some times some crap as movies
[12:55] Me: so better to read the comments at the bottom
[12:55] Friend: ok
[12:56] Me: okay now click mininova
[12:56] Me: this is where the .torrent file is uploaded
[12:56] Me: torrentz site search the torrent file from different site and give it to u.
[12:56] Me: understood?
[12:57] Me: Mininova is one of the torrent site
[12:57] Friend: ok
[12:57] Me: now can u see the comments and thanks tab
[12:58] Me: their also u can see the comment about that movie
[12:58] Friend: yes
[12:58] Me: now click the download this torrent link
[12:58] Friend: ok
[12:58] Me: it will download and open the file in utorrrent
[12:58] Friend: yes
[12:59] Friend: do i need to save it
[12:59] Me: no just open it with utorrent
[12:59] Me: no need to save it
[12:59] Friend: ok...its downloading
[12:59] Me: is it opening in utrroent now?
[12:59] Me: good
[13:00] Me: in the downloading section
[13:00] Friend: .....in progress
[13:00] Me: right click and select open containing folder
[13:00] Me: in your hard disk here only the movie get downloaded
[13:00] Me: can u see the seeders and peers
[13:01] Me: down speed and up speed?
[13:01] Friend: yes
[13:01] Me: so down speed is the speed in which movie is downloading into your hard disk
[13:01] Friend: upon right click
[13:01] Friend: i get an alert message
[13:01] Me: upspeed is the speed in which others copying the files form u
[13:02] Me: what message?
[13:02] Me: u must right click on the movie name
[13:02] Friend: now the message has gone
[13:02] Me: can u see the folder where the movie downloded?
[13:02] Me: can u see the file?
[13:03] Friend: yes
[13:03] Me: okay
[13:03] Me: whats the download speed?
[13:04] Friend: 45KB/s
[13:04] Me: good
[13:05] Me: once the movie downloaded u can stop it by right click and stop.
[13:05] Me: that means others can not download it.
[13:05] Friend: how do i know how much has been downloaded
[13:05] Me: u can see the status
[13:06] Me: ETA
[13:06] Me: in DOne u can see the percentage
[13:06] Friend: oh...3 hrs 12min
[13:06] Me: all those details will help u.
[13:06] Me: yap.
[13:06] Me: the speed will increase once it find the number of seeders
[13:07] Friend: can i start watching the movie in parallel
[13:07] Me: in the seeds can u see 50(4500)?
[13:07] Me: 50 is the currently available seeders out of 4500 seedrs in total
[13:07] Friend: 24(8900)
[13:07] Me: ya that means 24 seeders only now available.
[13:07] Me: because people will stop the file once they download it.
[13:08] Me: their interent speed will be slow. because others dowloading the file.
[13:08] Me: so better to download the move once it get posted.
[13:08] Me: so u will get more seeders and speed will be fast.
[13:08] Me: understood?
[13:08] Friend: so...i can start watching the movie only after it has been completely downloaded right ???
[13:08] Me: yes
[13:09] Me: now come one more thing u must know
[13:09] Me: normally windows media player wont play this file
[13:09] Me: so VLC media player is the best one for watching movies form torrent
[13:09] Me: u can download it here
[13:09] Me: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html
[13:09] Me: download and install it
[13:10] Me: this vlc player is really good which can play any format file available on the net.
[13:10] Me: its same as windows media player.
[13:10] Friend: ok thanks a lot man....i will save this chat for future reference
[13:10] Me: you are welcome.
[13:10] Me: enjoy the movies on torrents.
[13:11] Me: keep searching for Torrenz site for new movies.
[13:11] Friend: only 6% downloaded
[13:11] Me: its free man. why u worry about the time its takign?
[13:11] Friend: ok.....
[13:11] Me: just leave it every night. next day morning u will get movies to watch
[13:11] Friend: is there a chance of virus attack ?????
[13:11] Me: u can download as many as number of movies
[13:12] Me: ya read the comments b4 downloading any movies.
[13:12] Me: some people ask u to install some software to play the movies.
[13:12] Me: dont do that.
[13:12] Me: vlc player is the best
[13:12] Me: if that player can not play that movie, just delete that movie.
[13:13] Friend: ok
[13:13] Friend: is there any chance of spyware attack ??????????
[13:13] Me: nope
[13:13] Me: it depends on the file u r downloading.
[13:13] Friend: ok
[13:13] Me: u can also download latest softwares also.
[13:13] Me: not only movies
[13:13] Me: games also u can download.
[13:13] Friend: wow
[13:14] Me: u can search it in torrentz.
[13:14] Me: but make sure those are not viruses
[13:14] Me: read the comments b4 download
[13:14] Me: if the file is suspecious dont run it.
[13:14] Friend: ok
[13:14] Friend: can i stop the download in between ?
[13:14] Me: yes u can
[13:14] Me: if the net speed is slow
[13:15] Me: u can stop it and start it any time u want.
[13:15] Friend: will it start from the beginning or from the point where the download was interrupted
[13:15] Me: it will start from where it stops not from the beginning.
[13:16] Me: but if seeders will be less, then speed may be slow.
[13:16] Me: understood?
[13:16] Friend: ok
[13:16] Me: okay send me 100 USD for teaching u abt torrents
[13:16] Me: lol
[13:17] Friend: give me ur a/c number
[13:17] Me: lol
[13:17] Me: just kidding da
[13:17] Me: enjoy the movies
[13:17] Me: i am going for lunch
[13:17] Friend: I will use the torrent to dowload dollars from ur a/c into mine
[13:17] Me: tak to u later.
[13:17] Me: lol
[13:18] Me: ya i will write program, and will send it to u
[13:18] Me: got to go buddy. hungry. Bye.
[13:18] Friend: ok bye ttyl
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