I already blooged about pando, which is a p2p tool to send large files to your friends through Instant messenger.
Recently they released the version for skype.
Get more Details about the pando plugin for skype here
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Pando Plugin for skype
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Good site for learning chinese(Mandrin) Using Tamil
I am learning chinese(Mandrin).
But i am lazy nowadays. Need to plan well to learn the basic speaking skill.
Today i find a good site for learning Mandrin for english speakers
Check it out http://www.chinesepod.com
if you want to learn chinese by tamil check this site http://tamil.cri.cn/1/more/965/ZTmore965_2.htm
Writing code in browser?
How do you feel if you can able to write code in browser?
Good try!!!
Good place for beginners to try programming in web.
Hope Soon All application will be in browser itself.
Then why we need OS?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Disturbed by calls from bank for credit card and loans?
Disturbed by calls from bank for credit card and loans?
Don't Call / Do not Disturb webpages of Banks in India
- ICICI Bank (15 Days to remove)
- Standard Chartered Bank (30 days to remove, only bank to give a Request ID)
- Citibank
- ABN Amro Bank
- Deutsche Bank (30 Days to remove)
- HDFC (45 days to remove!)
Beyond Test Driven Development: Behaviour Driven Development
Google TechTalks March 17, 2006 Dave Astels Dave Astels (co-author of "A Practical Guide to eXtreme Programming" and author of Jolt Award winning "Test-driven Development: A Practical Guide") has over 2 decades of experience in the software field, most of that involved with object-oriented technologies and techniques. Dave has been studying, practicing, teaching, evangelising, and coaching XP and Agile Processes since 1998. Dave's experience ranges from embedded process control systems to consumer products (both consumer electronics and shrinkwrapped software) to energy trading systems. Dave is an independant software consultant specializing in the areas of agile process, programming practices, and object design/architecture. Dave is one of the thought leaders in the area of TDD, and now BDD. ABSTRACT Test Driven Development (TDD) has become quite well known. Many developers are getting benefit from the practice. But it is possible that we can get even more value. A new practice is getting attention these days: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). BDD removes all vestiges of testing and instead focuses on specifying the behaviour desired in the system being built. This talk will be focus on Ruby and will introduce a new BDD framework: rSpec. The ideas, however, are language independent. |
Friday, November 10, 2006
Make your Images Fly in IE
Copy the below give Java script and paste it on the IE.Address bar of this page/any page containing images and press enter.
You could see the images in the pages will be displayed/rotated accordingly to the script action.
cool one isn't it?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Code to parse Html to find value of a Input control using Regular Expression
Here's the code to parse html and find the value in input control. some times .net developers come across a situation where we need to parse the html and find the value in a input control. This code uses regular expression to find the value.
Public Function FindControlValue(ByVal InputHtml As String, ByVal ControlName As String, ByVal ValuePattern As String) As String
Dim reg As String = ""
Dim m1, m2 As Match
Dim options As RegexOptions = RegexOptions.Multiline
Dim matches1, matches2 As MatchCollection
matches1 = Regex.Matches(InputHtml.Replace("""", "'").ToString, reg, options)
For Each m1 In matches1
reg = ValuePattern
matches2 = Regex.Matches(m1.Value, reg, options)
For Each m2 In matches2
Return m2.Value.Replace("'", "").ToString
Return ""
End Function
You can call the function like,
if your input control value is string then
FindControlValue(HtmlResult, "StringControlName", "'\d+'")
if your Input control value is Number then
FindControlValue(htmlResult, "NumericControlName", "'\d+'")
if your Input control value is decimal then
FindControlValue(HtmlResult, "DecimalControlName", "'(\-?\d+\.\d+)'")
Hope this code helpful to some one who surfing my blog.
Happy Coding.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Google Office Vs Ms Office
Google finally made a right step towards web based office suit. they opened the site http://docs.google.com/ Here you can create your own office documents and worksheets. you can share the documents with your friends. That means many people can work with the same document at the same time. you can save the file in web itself. so you can work with your documents any where you go. cool stuff. Even you can save the docuemnts in pdf,doc in all other formats.
Now MsOffice Word => google document
MsOffice Excell => Google worksheet
MsOutlook => Gmail
MSPowerpoint => only Piccassa now (windows based) hope soon web based tool.
Ms Messegner => gmail talk.
Lets see what Microsoft is going to do. I heared Ms offfice is trying for web based live office. Lets wait and see who win the race!!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Google open Gadgets for your webpage.
Google today made all gadgets available for websites. you can now add any one of the google gadget to your website. cool move by google. let me add one gadget here. you can add more gadgets from here.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Most expensive Adwords.
Just now i read this link talking about more expensive adwords. use this words in your blog so that you will get more pay per hit. Check this words
CPC school loan consolidation $69.16
college loan consolidation $68.35
car insurance quotes $66.88
auto insurance quotes $65.90
college consolidation $64.04
student loan consolidation rates $60.14
sell structured settlement $59.82
sell annuity $58.92
federal student loan consolidation $58.58
auto quotes $58.09
auto insurance quote $57.99
student consolidation $56.96
student loan consolidation $56.91
student loan consolidation interest rate $56.52
consolidate student loan $54.61
san diego dui attorney $54.56
car insurance $53.16
structured settlement $52.96
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student loan refinance $52.44
consolidation of student loans $52.43
consolidation loan rate $52.04
citibank student loan consolidation $51.85
car insurance quote $51.80
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private student loan consolidation $51.05
lasik new york $49.86
student loans consolidation $49.82
private loan consolidation $48.95
insurance quotes $48.78
teleconference services $48.72
the art institute of seattle $48.68
federal loan consolidation $48.61
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student loan consolidation programs $47.58
bad credit equity loan $47.46
houston criminal attorney $47.44
student loan consolidation calculator $47.19
cash settlement $47.12
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orlando culinary institute $46.84
student loan consolidation program $46.77
orlando culinary institute $46.69
consolidation loan $46.54
loan consolidation $46.54
orlando culinary institute $46.51
ditech $46.32
auto quote $45.77
sallie mae student loan consolidation $45.69
Now i used these words in my blog. lets see, weather i will get more pay or not;)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
wow India @ 2007
Check out some of ongoing building projects in india. most of them going to complete on 2007. really wonderful buildings. Proud to be in india.!!!
Really want india to be in the developed nations list as soon as possible. Vanthe Matharam.
Friday, September 15, 2006
google earth new features.
Google added more feautures to google earth. Click here to see it. cool stuff. realy love to see it. I can see lots of possiblities open on google earth application.hope one day its going to be the application which is used by every one in the world.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Now onwards vistors of my blog can talk to me through Meebo
I am regular user of meebo . its really useful for me to chat with my firends in diffrent IM clients with out installing any software.
Now they include new feautre. A small widget MeeboMe. using that widget the people who vist my blog can chat with me. I include that widget in to my blog today. Now onwards users visit my site can chat with me. I m welcoming useful suggestions from the visitors. happy blogging.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
How to send large files in yahoo or Msn Messenger?
Really worried to send large files to your friends using IM Clients? Now Msn Messenger has the facility of folder sharing concept. its really useful for me to send large files to my friends. Suddenly my msn messenger got some problem and i coudnt open the sharing folder in msn messenger. so i search for otehr alternatives and found out http://www.pando.com/beta/ympp
Pando is a plug in to yahoo messenger using which u can send large files to u r friends. just drag and drop folders to pando, it simply sends the file to u r contact. really useful.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
performancing blog tool for firefox
i love to use firefox rathar than IE nowadays. because extensions, firefox become more powerfull than IE. today i installed a blogging extenstion for firefox by http://performancing.com . you can download this extension from https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1730/ . its really cool. i am posting this message from performancing. Great!!!
வருக!! வருக!!
நண்பர்களே! எனது பக்கத்திற்கு வருகை புரிந்ததற்கு நன்றி. இனி இங்கு தமிழிலும் சில தகவல்கலை பதிப்பிக்க உள்ளேன். மீண்டும் வருக!!!
Welcome to My Blog
Hi Today I decieded to create my blog in blogger. I am a software engineer from dot net world. i want to share my knowladge thoughts with the world through this blog. Hope i will post more entries soon.